Monday, July 10, 2006

All Star Game Tuesday! And more ESPY discussion.

Tuesday night is the baseball All-Star Game, which David and I absolutely worship. It's, as a friend put it, our Ramadan.

And David will be attempting, once again, to do what's so far been impossible. Eat one hot dog every inning (for a total of nine, assuming there's no extras). Come thrill Tuesday night as he attempts this incredible feat of manly manhood.

Now, about the ESPYs. One of the nominees for best play is one that all three of us saw IN PERSON! Reggie Bush's punt return for a TD at Husky Stadium. Seth, in fact, was personally responsible for jinxing this play into being. The Huskies punter, Sean Douglas (who's really damn good) drove Bush deep with a long high punt. Bush was surrounded by Husky tacklers, at which point Seth yelled "Whatcha gonna do now, Reggie?"

At which point Reggie pivoted 180 off of one foot, a move that let him evade about 7 tacklers, and he raced down the sideline for a score. I HAVE ALL THE POWER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!


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