Sunday Doggy and Yelly Sunday

Everybody loves dogs. Even if you heart is made of ice, and you would rather be in your cubicle than doing anything else. However, if there is one thing that people love more than dogs it's listening to their neighbors argue with their guests at four in the morning.
Luckily Sunday featured both.
This weekend we were put in charge of Michelle’s beagle Jasper. The little guy won us over, not only with her desire to lay out in the sun near the hammock, but also with her nearly instantaneous need to whine when she didn't get her way. Handled like a true 7502 Winonaite.
You could our hearts breaking when Michelle returned late Sunday night to pick up little Jasper. We were able to squeeze an extra half hour with Jasper by talking Michelle into sticking around for a viewing of ‘Entourage.’ Although we might have told her that we were going to watch ‘Gilmore Girls’. Either way is was a wonderful to end the evening, and we retired to our separate rooms.
We were able to squeeze in about five good hours until from next door there arose such a clatter that we sprang from our beds to see what was the matter. Away to our windows we flew like a flash. We quietly tore open the shutters and very slowly threw up the sash, so as not to be seen.
(All except for Seth who slept through the screaming even though his room was closest to the backyard altercation. In his defense, he has the most experience of sleeping through arguments).
It appears our neighbors had invited some of their friends over, had a few drinks and now were ready to pound each others heads in. The fight mostly resembled a fight from our middle school years, with
more words than punches.
In the middle of the altercation was the lady of the house, she was trying to keep both sides quiet, while reminding them that, “This is not what best friends do,” and then trying to shame them out of fighting by stating, “Oh yeah, this is the best way to solve this.”
As became clear that this wasn’t the answer she quickly changed her tactic and started screaming, "YOU ARE ACTING SO RETARTED…YOU ARE BEING SO RETARTTED." That seemed to work much better as the two parties drove drunkenly off into the night.
Those unable to return to sleep ended up taking an early morning stroll around the lake, a peaceful dogless stroll.
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