Monday, April 10, 2006

Feats of Strength--sort of

Jason has a big fat mouth and he uses it to inspire/piss off [choose one] his roommates. Now it's time to pay the piper.

Last week, Jason sat on the couch, watching TV and drinking a beer, while Seth headed out of an early evening run. Feeling his oats, hops, and the pent up aggression that comes with giving up insults for Lent (big mistake), Jason asked Seth if it bothered him that, "You can work out all you want, and even if I do nothing for two weeks I'll still be in better shape than you."

Jason then left for Philadelphia and Seth stewed for four days. Finally, Seth was able to gather the courage to respond to Jason's ridiculous statement. A challenge was issued and accepted.

For the next two weeks, Jason will do no exercise. Seth will give up beer and smoking, and work out 2-3 times a day, sideaches permitting. During the week of April 24th, a series of fitness tests will pit these nacho-eating gladiators against each other. David will ref. Though the exact events have not been determined, sarcasm and banjoing are already eliminated from consideration.

Breaking news: This reporter was just informed that less than 30 minutes ago, Seth had his first beer of his beer abstinence period. Also, he's heading out for a smoke right now. Good luck with that, Mr. Kolloen.


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