February in Seattle? To the Beach!
Going to beach in Seattle in the winter is a bad idea. So is filling your bar with sand and inviting a bunch of drunk of 21 year olds over, but that didn't stop the Kiwi and Kangaroo.
It was Beach Party Weekend back in February, so of course we dressed up like morons and headed on over. David even carded a confused young couple.
Young Girl 1: Do we pay you the cover?
David: Uh yeah...can I see your IDs.
[David inspects the IDs with an eagle eye]
David: Looks good.
Young Boy: Can we put the cover on a tab?
David: Oh sure, just tell them at the bar.
[David walks away. The young couple enters the bar]
Bouncer: Can I see your IDs.
Young Girl: But that guy...
Photos from Beach Night
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