Friday, December 09, 2005

Clear the DVD Player, It's Rockford Time

Finally, on December 6th, Universal Studios released Season One of the greatest program in television history, Rockford Files, on DVD. Those of you who know me well know that I bought it that day. Oh yes.

I was expecting a riot at Fry's Electronics, but, surprisingly, I was able to grab a copy right off the shelf without having to hit anyone. Still, I'm glad I brought my brass knuckles--that Salvation Army guy was ringing his bell a little more loudly than I cared for. BOOSH!

Make haste to our basement if you've ever wanted to see:

Rockford Files.
A man watching Rockford Files
Two men angrily asking the man watching Rockford Files if he "plans to go back to work anytime this week."

A Rockford Files-watching party (or, televisual feast) is in the works. Stay tuned. Or, as Jim Rockford would say: "keep cool, Paco. Cha-cha-cha."


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Pirate said...

where do i find these? i am a major fan of Jim Rockford.


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