Monday, December 05, 2005

UW vs. Gonzaga--twice

David and I watched UW beat Gonzaga last night, and were delerious with happiness all evening. But we had to pretend that it was just another night in our march toward eventual decomposition, because Jason, Carrie and Nate arrived home from their own basketball game at 10pm, in ignorance of the final score, ready to watch the game on TIVO. We donned our poker faces and hid in our rooms, though we really wanted to watch the game again. But we knew that would give away the ending.

Tonight is our Philly cheesesteak party. RSVPed are my cousin Eliza, her husband Levi, David's co-comedy trouper Mark, his girlfriend Joanna, and my sister Meredith. Loud shoutouts to Joanna, who is bringing Philly Cream Cheesecake, and Levi, who is bringing a growler from the Jolly Roger.


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